‘A source of energy for tired times’ Peace News
‘Almost every contribution here shows clearly the strength, confidence an pure joy women get out of working with other women…Keeping the Peace is encouraging, inspiring…it’s well worth reading’ New Musical Express
‘Every woman active in the peace movement should own a copy…It is worth reading even if you have fixed views on the subject and are not intending to stir from your kitchen or desk’ Peace and Freedom
These are the voices of a new movement amongst women – in Europe, America, Asia and Australasia – to take the issue of peace and survival into our own hands.
Lynne Jones, whose experience as a hospital doctor helped to teach her that war is the greatest single threat to health and survival, has assembled accounts by women involved in the Greenham Common Peace Camp, the American Women for Life on Earth and German, Dutch and Japanese women’s groups, to how the energy and diversity of women’s initiatives, the imagination and invention that is going into what may prove the most important of all political campaigns.
Keeping the Peace also includes practical information and resources for women interested in initiating new actions for peace. It is the first in a projected series of occasional women’s peace handbooks to be published by The Women’s Press.
Softcover, 162 pages. In fair pre-loved condition with the exception of several pages coming loose.