In the beginning, God was Revealed in all the works of creation. It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. It was His hand that hung the worlds in space, and fashioned the flowers of the field. “His strength setteth fast the mountains.” “The Sea is His, and He made it.” Ps. 65:6, 95:5. It was He that fitted the earth with beauty, and the air with song. And upon all things in earth, and air, and sky, He wrote the message of the Father’s love.
You will find this book to be a work of inspiration. It is the life story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known-Jesus Christ.
This book does not merely set down a series of remote events; it presents the meaning of them, so vividly that we feel ourselves there. And we are made to understand, possibly for the first time, the true, underlying significance of His deeds and their bearing on our own lives … here and now.
The DESIRE OF AGES has already proven a source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason, for it deals with a universal yearning-the living of life to its fullest, with a faith born in meaningful values.
Softcover, 489 pages. In excellent pre-loved condition.