Harringay Story tells the inside story of the Billy Graham Greater London Crusade, 1954 – the biggest single venture in evangelism attempted in this century. A total of 1,750,000 attended the crusade during its twelve-week period, and long before the end its impact was felt throughout the length and breadth of the land.
The book is divided into three parts. The first tells in some detail of how the crusade was planned and prepared during the two years preceding Harringay. The second part, after a preliminary chapter introducing Billy Graham and his team, tells the actual story of the crusade : Billy Graham’s arrival in Britain ; the opening night at Harringay ; the work in the Counselling Room ; the relay services ; Dr. Graham’s contact with British students – all leading up to the great final rally at Wembley, attended by 120,000 people.
Part Three is entitled “After Harringay” and records the verdict of the Press and church leaders, relates some of the stories of those whose lives were re-made by the power of Christ, and assess the over-all achievement of the crusade.
Hardcover, 254 pages. In good pre-loved condition with the exception of some wear to the dustcover and some age spots on exterior book edges.